Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Working View/Sheet View of Schedule
Schedules are just a view of information in the model like any other type of View. So you should set up a standardized view for a sheet that will be printed that only shows the information that you want to have printed. Then use a separate working view to edit the schedule. In this view other parameters that you do not necessarily want to show up in the printed view can be seen and it can be sorted in different ways that make it easier to use when working. This way project managers and anyone first coming into the project can see the information in the schedule without extraneous information.

Schedule Keys
When you are creating a schedule there are often many items in the schedule that have the same properties. Rather than manually entering the same data for each one, you can automate the process using Schedule Keys.

They are created like a Schedule by selecting "Schedule Key" instead of "Schedule building components". Then you apply the apply the Key style to the objects that you want. As with anything in Revit, taking time to plan out what paramaters you want to duplicate will save you time in teh long run. Once a Key has been applied to an object, any values given by the Key will become read-only in the Schedule. To change them you would have to make the change in teh Schedule Key. The Revit Help Menu has more information on Schedule Keys.

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