Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Keyboard Shortcuts

Some of the Keyboard Shortcuts in 2010 that would be useful are missing or just are not he same as the ones that were in 2009.

You can add/edit to the KeyboardShortcuts.txt file that should be located here on your computer:

C:\Program Files\Autodesk Revit Architecture 2010\Program

Most of the commands are already in there (though it may take some scrolling to find them), but they have a blank value. Just put in the initials you want for the shortcut in quotations following the same format as the other entries.

So I changed these two lines

; "" ribbon:"Detail-Detail-Masking Region"
; "" ribbon:"Detail-Detail-Filled Region"

to this to get Filled Regions and Masking Regions to work.

"MR" ribbon:"Detail-Detail-Masking Region"
"FR" ribbon:"Detail-Detail-Filled Region"

After saving your modifications you have to restart Revit. The shortcut initials that you put in will also show in in the roll-over help menu when your mouse is above a command in the ribbon.

1 comment:

  1. 2009 works the same way. The keyboard shortcut file is here:
    C:\Program Files\Revit Architecture 2009\Program


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